Intelligent Vision Processing Lab. (IVPL in short) is newly starting researh group in Sookmyung Women's University, which was from Multimedia Processing Communications Lab. in 2009 (MPCL in short). This research group has a young and dynamic research environment in Rep. of Korea. It is located in Sookmyung Women's University, IT Engineering department in Rep. of Korea with world class research facility. We conduct cutting-edge research to address the current challenges and applications of image and video signal processing. Our group primarily focuses on machine learning and other data science techniques to solve these problems, and much of our research has been published in top journals and conferences. Our team of doctoral students, as well as masters and undergraduate students, are led by Prof. Byung-Gyu Kim in the Department of Artificial Intelligence Engineering at Sookmyung Women's University. Our group has a leading role in intelligence-driven video and image processing, deep learning algorithms/network structures, the next generation video coding standard, interactive media technologies. Also, we have a quite good collaboration with industries (LG Electronics, ETRI, Urban Data Lab. Inc., nVidia Korea) and other research labs of IIT Roorkee (India), IIT Bhubaneswar (India), Indian Institute of information Technology (Kalyani), University of Akron (USA), La Trobe University (Melbourne Victoria Australia), Nanchang Hangkong University (China), University of Sheffield (UK), VSB-Technical University of Ostrava (Czech Republic) and University of Macedonia (Greece) in the world!!!
Young-Ju Choi - The Best Paper Award, KMMS Autumn Conference.
Young-Ju Choi et al. - The Best Paper Award, The 19th International Conference on Multimedia Information Technology and Applications (MITA 2023), Czech Republic.
Byung-Gyu Kim, Ye-Ji Kim, Han-Lim Lee, Chae-Lin Kim - The First Prize, DNA+Drone Data Challenge ( by Ministry of Science and ICT, Korea.
Young-Jin Heo, Byung-Gyu Kim, The Best Paper Award, Journal of Multimedia Information System 2022.
Byung-Gyu Kim, Hye-Jin Park, Jung-In Jang, Young-Ju Choi, Young-Woon Lee - The Grand Prize, DNA+Drone Challenge ( by Ministry of Science and ICT, Korea.
Hye-Jin Park, Jung-In Jang, Young-Ju Choi - Best Paper Award, The 17th International Conference on Multimedia Information Technology and Applications (MITA 2021).
Ye-Won Kang, Seo-Won Kim, Byung-Gyu Kim - The Best Paper Award, KMMS Autumn Conference.
Byung-Gyu Kim, The Best Paper Award, Journal of Multimedia Information System 2021.
Young-Woon Lee, Excellent Paper Award, IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics 2021 (by IEEE CT Society).
The Best Paper Award, KMMS Autumn Conference.
Da-Mi Jung - Best Paper Award, KMMS Spring Conference.
Byung-Gyu Kim - Best Paper Award, IWIMTPS 2018.
Byung-Gyu Kim - Excellent Contribution Award, Korea Digital Contents Society.
Young-Ju Choi - Best Paper Award, KMMS Autumn Conference.
Ji-Hae Kim - Best Paper Award, KMMS Spring Conference.
Ji-Hae Kim - Best Paper Award, KMMS Autumn Conference
B. Hilmi - Special Merit Award for Outstanding Paper, IEEE ICCE2012.
Byung-Gyu Kim - Best Paper Award, ETRI.
· Congratulation! Prof. Kim's joint paper has been accepted in Science series journal...!!!!
· BK21 IT공학교육연구팀 기술창업실무과정 (제3차 세미나) 개최- 12월 19일 (목) 오후 2시..!
· ANN class schedule Announcement
· [CFP] ICIP 2025: Call for Papers is now Open!
· [Announcement] Journal of Imaging 2024 Travel Award—Deadline 31 October 2024